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Meet the team: Just a few of the special individuals who work at Royale

We work more than a little magic at Royale, so it’s time to talk about the important people behind the service we’re so proud of! Many of our employees have been with us for over twenty years – a massive privilege in a world where many move around every few years.

That kind of long…

Four steps food and beverage retailers can take to cut energy consumption

According to the Carbon Trust, the retail sector uses around seven percent of all UK building energy consumption, releasing over five million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.

It’s big business, and it’s vital we all work towards doing better on energy emissions. The…

Deery me: Four Royale coldroom projects worth talking about

Fridges and coldrooms might sound like an everyday thing on the surface, but the truth is a little different: they’re the backbone of businesses across the world.

Shops, restaurants and large franchises all stock thousands of Pounds of goods in these areas and they’re vital in preserving…

Shopping around: Royale’s contribution to a stunning new-build project

It’s been another busy period for Royale, and we wanted to take the time today to share another interesting and challenging project!

Country Food and Dining, a long-standing client of Royale, owns and operates a range of farm shops and garden centres across Berkshire. They came right to…

Of burgers and Burberry: A day in the life of a Royale engineer

It’s a fascinating, fast-moving career with Royale! Our engineers are always on the move, responding to requests from customers as part of our ‘reactive service’ that ensures a resolution within four hours in the event of a business-critical problem.

Each day is different. With jobs…

Beating climate change: What’s being done in our industry and the wider world

Climate change is at the forefront of our global political landscape, and for good reason: We have one world to live in, and it’s our duty to leave it in a good state for the generations that will follow us.

Today we’ll be describing recent developments and progress on this subject, with…

Born in a barn: The Royale team refits a stunning listed building for Quicklight

Not all air conditioning installations are equal!

Once in a while, something special crops up. Where modern buildings are consistent and built to planning specifications, older buildings, and listed buildings in particular, vary about as much as you’d expect – a lot.

What to do,…

The intriguing past and important future of air conditioning technology

It sounds incredible, at first glance. You mean we can control the weather, make it hotter or cooler at will? As the saying goes, ‘advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’!

While we’re all familiar with air conditioning as a modern piece of technology, it must’ve been a…

Three special moments from the fascinating history of refrigeration

What does a Chinese poem from over 3,000 years ago have in common with an American entrepreneur born in 1783?

Ice, of course!

We can’t get enough of it, at least where food and drink are concerned. Our ability to preserve such items despite the temperature outside has helped drive…

Royale’s apprentice Dominic Dray beats country-wide competition to take gold in the SkillFRIDGE Challenge

Apprenticeships are vital to the trades, and they’re a great way for companies like us to help give the next generation a head-start in a rewarding career.

Our industry is a challenging one to get into. The many certifications and regulations – not to mention the differences between…